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Robots Win, You Lose Robots Win, You Lose
by Jocelynn Smith October 8, 2016 U.S. Economy
The job market remains ugly. We’re not creating enough high-paying jobs to support the middle class, and we’re replacing low-paying jobs with robots. Where does that leave us?
Breaking the American Consumer
by Jeff Opdyke August 10, 2016 U.S. Economy
Every bit of economic data is dished up for consumption. A one-off snapshot that says nothing about the true state of the U.S. economy … that a consumer-driven downturn on the way.
The Fed: Soviet-Style Economic Propaganda The Fed: Soviet-Style Economic Propaganda
by Jeff Opdyke August 2, 2016 U.S. Economy
What we are led to believe as "truth" in America is no different than what the Soviets were led to believe, and only by disengaging will you get facts to defend investment decisions.
Fake Jobs Plague the U.S. Economy Were you convinced by the unemployment rate drop to 4.7% in May? That is what the government reported. But a closer look at the data reveals something else.
Image for copper What Copper Says About the Economy
by Jeff Yastine May 31, 2016 Commodities
There's a reason why copper is sometimes called "Dr. Copper." The price of copper indicates the health of the economy — and according to the most recent prices, our economy's about to flatline...

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