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Brexit Rips Apart the Global Economy
by Jeff Opdyke June 24, 2016 Global Economy
By voting to flee the European Union, the Brits shocked the world … but only because the world wasn't paying attention. Now comes the day after Brexit, and it promises to be worse than the event itself.
Fake Jobs Plague the U.S. Economy Were you convinced by the unemployment rate drop to 4.7% in May? That is what the government reported. But a closer look at the data reveals something else.
Image for copper What Copper Says About the Economy
by Jeff Yastine May 31, 2016 Commodities
There's a reason why copper is sometimes called "Dr. Copper." The price of copper indicates the health of the economy — and according to the most recent prices, our economy's about to flatline...
Is the Gold Rally Doomed? What’s Next for The Price of Gold: Will This Rally End?
by Jeff Yastine May 17, 2016 Gold
Wall Street is finally jumping on board the gold bull train. But this broad acceptance could mean that the biggest gold rally in 25 years is due for a well-deserved rest.
Beware the Fed’s Hubris on Inflation Beware the Fed’s Hubris on Inflation
by Jeff Yastine April 19, 2016 U.S. Economy
The market has grown used to cries of “Deflation!” and dovish Fed speeches. So much so, that early indicators are being ignored. The fact is, inflation is about to blindside Wall Street.

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