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Wall Street Is Destroying the Economic Recovery
by Jeff Opdyke August 31, 2016 U.S. Economy
Despite the Fed’s blather, America’s chemistry is off. An ingredient necessary for a vibrant economy is missing. One look at the data will show you exactly what’s missing and why.
Basic Income Will Kill the Economy
by Jeff Opdyke August 24, 2016 U.S. Economy
In a world where machines can make perfect burgers, there’s no need for $15-an-hour burger flippers. But the solution, basic income, is more science fiction than fact.
The DEA War on Your Wallet
by Ted Bauman August 22, 2016 Government & Politics
Under the guise of asset forfeiture, DEA agents routinely spy on our travel plans so they can steal our money … all in the name of the pointless “war on drugs.”
Obama’s Market Meltdown
by Chad Shoop August 19, 2016 U.S. Economy
Since 1920, only six presidents have served a full two terms, or eight years. Obama is about to make it seven, resulting in a rare market cycle with an ominous outlook.
why 2022 is not the worst economy ever The Need for Yield in a Recession: What Does That Mean for Us?
by Chad Shoop August 5, 2016 U.S. Economy
The U.S. economy limped along in the second quarter solely on consumer strength. Will that strength return for the third quarter and avoid a recession? Don’t hold your breath.

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