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GDP: A Wrench in the Recovery A Wrench in the Recovery?
by Jocelynn Smith January 27, 2017 U.S. Economy
The latest GDP growth figures from the Commerce Department have a number of traders adopting a wait-and-see approach. But are they poised to miss out on the next big rally?
Banks Wall Street’s Ticking Time Bomb Wall Street’s Ticking Time Bomb
by Jeff Opdyke January 25, 2017 U.S. Economy
Once “too big to fail” banks have grown so large that it raises a troubling question: Are they now effectively too big to save in the next financial crisis?
Prepare for President Trump Prepare for President Trump
by Jessica Cohn January 21, 2017 U.S. Economy
As Donald Trump's inauguration shows, it's absolutely crucial to prepare for the unexpected. Especially since 2017 may have some surprises in store for the stock market...
The Feds Are Inside Your Home The Feds Are Inside Your Home
by Ted Bauman January 3, 2017 Privacy Invasion
Alexa and similar Internet of Things (IoT) technologies have become part of the current zeitgeist. They can remember everything input into them ... and the Feds are salivating for this data.
Do You Have an Offshore Backup Plan? Do You Have an Offshore Backup Plan?
by Ted Bauman December 19, 2016 Offshore Living
Life is full of dead ends. They’re not risky in and of themselves, but they can quickly become a trap. Creating an offshore escape route for such traps is ideal, and not as difficult as it sounds.

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