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Ladies and Gentlemen, This Is an Option Ladies and Gentlemen, This Is an Option In the first edition of her Options Bootcamp series, Amber Hestla is taking a page out of Vince Lombardi's book and going back to basics...
Options Arena: Earnings Options Arena: Earnings It's the basis of Chad's premium strategy... but how do the rest of our experts feel about earnings? Find out in this week's Options Arena!
Reader Feedback Ain't much honest work meme Rogan In The Deep, Tesla’s Lead To Keep & Peloton’s Time To Sleep
by Joseph Hargett February 11, 2022 Great Stuff
Friday Feedback: The “Rogan On A River” Edition ♫Overture. Curtains. Lights. This is it, we’ll hit the heights. And oh, what heights we’ll hit. On with the show, this is it! ♫ Oh, and what a show it is, Great Ones! Some might even say it’s “The Greatest Show In Finance!”™ I don’t know anyone […]
AMD I See Dead Pentiums Meme AMD Inside, Google’s Reverse Splits, Sony’s Hits & PayPal’s Fits
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Almighty Micro Devices Great Ones, I absolutely love saying “I told you so.” It’s, like, my second favorite thing in the world. The first is, obviously, making you money. So, when Advanced Micro Devices (Nasdaq: ) reported blowout fourth-quarter earnings and rallied more than 11% … I was ecstatic. I literally got a twofer. Before […]
Don't understand buying Apple products too afraid to ask meme Apple’s $124 Billion Cult of Personality, PLUG-ing Back in & An EV Road Trip
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Friday Feedback: The “$124 Billion Question” Edition Great Ones, I don’t cover Apple (Nasdaq: ) much at all. And there’s a reason for that… I don’t like Apple. I don’t like its walled garden App Store. I don’t like how Apple software and devices don’t play nice with my Windows-based laptops and PCs. I don’t […]

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