Friday Feedback: The “Rogan On A River” Edition
♫Overture. Curtains. Lights. This is it, we’ll hit the heights. And oh, what heights we’ll hit. On with the show, this is it! ♫
Oh, and what a show it is, Great Ones! Some might even say it’s “The Greatest Show In Finance!”™
I don’t know anyone who calls Great Stuff that … but someone might. It’s possible.
Anywho, today is Friday Feedback day! You know, the day we dive into the Great Stuff inbox to answer your burning stock market questions and indulge in investing rants?
Yes, that day.
Now, you’re kinda late to participate in today’s reader feedback … obviously.
But you can get in on the action next week! Just drop me an email at … and we’ll do the rest.
Now, without any further ado: On with the show, this is it!
My first thought is “Who the F*#k is Joe Rogan?” My second thought is as if I am walking a mile in Spotify’s shoes “How many million did we pay this joker?”
My third thought is that Spotify will do a cost benefit analysis on Joe vs the “Artists.” (not the Volcano)
I know that Neil Young has some really cool sideburns but is his audience that valuable? Whoever generates the most net revenue will be the act standing at the end of the day. They can pretend that they are an artists’ platform, but in fact they are a business and the money in the bank will make the decision regardless of any tweet to the contrary.
— Dan G.
Great Ones, listen to Dan here. This guy invests … and that’s why we’re all here, right?
Just like automakers have formulas they adhere to when determining if it’s cost effective to issue a recall, Spotify (NYSE: SPOT) has people running numbers to determine if it’s cost effective to “recall” Joe Rogan.
Since Rogan is still on Spotify, it stands to reason that Spotify believes it doesn’t need Neil Young around anyhow, and Joni Mitchell can go be a free woman in Paris for all they care.
The bottom line has always been the bottom line. Spotify paid some $100 million for exclusive rights to The Joe Rogan Experience, and Spotify’s going to get its money’s worth one way or another.
What? You actually thought these companies cared about “free speech” or your opinions on COVID-19 or the vaccine? Pshaw.
It’s all about the money.
A new car, caviar, four-star daydream … think I’ll buy me a football team.
Exactly. The rest is all entertainment.
Dan, you nailed it. Thanks for writing in!
Oh, before I go, let’s give a nod to Great One Huston S. who wrote in:
I know I’m not for everyone. I’m honest, and I call ‘em like I see ‘em … as the saying goes.
I’m also filled to the brim with sarcasm, which isn’t everyone’s cup of tea judging from how y’all blew up my inbox on this particular topic last week.
What I do know is that some of y’all need to read a bit closer — especially the ones who told me to “do your own research.” Last week, I specifically said: “Spotify should not fire Joe Rogan.”
Yet somehow, a metric ton of y’all think I said he should be fired. Do my own research, indeed.

As far as investing in SPOT stock goes — yes, this is still an investing newsletter — I don’t think the Joe Rogan thing is gonna impact SPOT much at all. If you were bullish on Spotify before, you should be bullish now … and vice versa.
Personally? I think there are better stocks you could pay roughly $160 per share for, but that’s just like my opinion, man. But if you don’t believe me, just ask Ian King.
Ian King is one of the most widely followed tech investors in America, and he’s stepping forward to reveal details behind his No. 1 electric vehicle (EV) stock for 2022.
This innovative Nevada-based company is quietly leading the EV revolution, and oddly enough, it doesn’t manufacture EVs, make batteries or produce microchips.
More importantly, he believes this company will help send EV sales surging 1,400% over the next decade … and it could make early investors massive gains.
Click here for the full details!
I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of “politics” and Spotify and whatnot. Let’s see what else is in the ol’ Great Stuff mailbag this week!
Let’s see … nope … nope … nope … sigh, nope. Geez, that’ll learn me. Lol.
Oh, wait! Here’s one that’s not about Rogan or Spotify:
General Motor’s Chinese Chicken
GM is partnered with a Chinese company to export Chinese EVs throughout Europe. That is what they mean when they say they will take on or surpass Tesla. They certainly can’t do it by selling 40 or 50,000 cars over here.
— David G.

Thanks for being a Great One and writing in, David!
You are correct that General Motors (NYSE: GM) is partnered with a Chinese EV company. SAIC Motor Corp. — one of the four biggest Chinese EV makers — is working with GM to dominate the European market.
In fact, Chinese vehicles made up about 10% of all new car sales in Western Europe last year.
But here’s the thing: GM won’t be bringing those EVs to the states. They are way too small for American tastes.
Instead, GM is rolling out electric versions of the Hummer — he he he, an electric Hummer — the Silverado, the Sierra, a new Cadillac SUV, the Chevy Bolt EV and more.
In fact, GM CEO Mary Barra told investors earlier this month that the company plans to deliver 400,000 EVs during 2022 and 2023. And while Barra gave no indication on how GM would ramp up EV production, we all know that the company has the existing resources to make it happen.
GM will sell 40,000 or 50,000 EVs over here. That shouldn’t even be a question at this point. If GM gets its head on straight with EVs — and the public proves willing — even selling 400,000 EVs is nothing for GM. I mean, it regularly makes 6.3 million vehicles a year. 400,000 is child’s play.
A lot of Tesla (Nasdaq: TSLA) bulls don’t want to admit it, but competition is coming. Fierce competition.
The question those bulls need to ask themselves is this:
Will Tesla be the Netflix (Nasdaq: NFLX) of the EV world? Or will it be the Peloton (Nasdaq: PTON)?
Netflix has plenty of fierce competition, but it’s still the dominant name in the streaming market it created. Tesla has the potential to continue to dominate EV sales in the U.S., if it plays its cards right.
On the other hand, EVs aren’t that hard to make if you’re already an automaker … just like Peloton’s tablet-linked stationary bikes aren’t all that hard to make if you already make mobile computing devices — like pretty much everyone and their mother does right now.
Luckily for Tesla, everyone and their mother does not make EVs or automobiles. But that still doesn’t mean that challengers like GM, Ford, Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda … the list goes on and on … aren’t looking for ways to topple Tesla’s market dominance.
In fact, all of these automakers could swamp Tesla in a heartbeat if they shifted all manufacturing capacity to EVs right now.
That’s clearly not going to happen … right now, anyway.
So, tell me Great Ones: Will Tesla become one of the big U.S. automakers alongside GM and Ford … or will it be bought out and fade into obscurity like Pontiac?
Let me know at
Once again, David, thanks for writing in!
Editor’s Note: Cannot Stop The Battery!
If you were to drive a Nissan Leaf from coast to coast, you’d have to recharge the battery eight times. A Chevy Bolt, seven times. Even the Tesla Model X would need to be charged six times.
But with this new battery technology in your vehicle, you’d only have to recharge once … in a matter of minutes.
Not to mention, this stunning new technology is about to cut the cost of EV batteries in half … meaning by next year, an EV is expected to cost the same as a gas-powered car.
Prime Time Peloton? As If…
Greetings, Mr. Great Stuff. I’m with you on Pelaton. Made some bank on their recent down-trend.
A stationary bike or treadmill is a bit big for an Apple product, but that’s the combination that makes the most sense to me, because of — as you noted — Apple’s focus on health and health data. And they have the petty cash to cover the deal.
And those products won’t seem so big once we see that amazing Apple Car.
Please keep the Great Stuff coming.
— Rich V.
Rich V.? Like Dicky V.? Are you a P.T.P.’er?
A slam jam bam Diaper Dandy with Q.T. that shoots the area-code?
Where my Dicky V. fans at? Alrighty then, you Dow Jonesers…
If the random vernacular of college basketball sportscasters isn’t your thing, then maybe tomorrow’s special sports-centric edition of Great Stuff would be more up your alley. I’m not spoiling any surprises now, but … this is enough of a spoiler anyway.
Anyway, enough of my questions — on to yours. You did have a question in there, somewhere … right, Rich? Oh, yes … that pesky little problem called Peloton.

Honestly, what have you not heard Great Stuff say about this sucker over the years? We just established with David G. that basically anyone can make a Peloton, if we’re talking about the machine itself.
But then, there’s the Peloton subscription service and classes. I mean, what’s the point in having an overpriced stationary bike if all those online friends you don’t even like can’t see you using it?
Well, fella, “subscription service revenue” is Apple’s (Nasdaq: AAPL) middle name.
Forget worrying about Peloton — I’d be more surprised if Apple didn’t consider chucking an iPad onto a fitness bike and calling it a day. Isn’t Apple’s new M.O. just waiting until someone else makes something cool … then doing the same thing with some Apple “flair?”
My point is: Maybe Apple would be interested in buying out the empty husk that is Peloton. Maybe it’s not. But I guarantee you someone at Apple has thought about it. And I don’t believe Apple cares as much about “health” as it does “health data,” but that’s just me.
Who knows? This time next week, we might be discussing a Peloton buyout or a new Apple iBike. Apple is already reaching into the connected fitness cookie jar with its watches, but an iBike would be a whole new realm of connecting within Apple’s ecosystem.
Just think of all that sellable usable data you’d generate!
At some point, Apple stopped selling products based on what the product does, but how much other iJunk it can connect to. Having more of your life embedded in the ecosystem is literally the selling point for Apple diehards.
And I can hardly imagine the kind of personal data Apple could get out of your iCar…
Shape-Shifting Salutations
Apologizing in advance,
Once again I am compelled to compliment you. At present, on your ability to shapeshift the many methods of teaching that the genius in your mind happens to call on at any particular moment — and on the unmistakable character of caring for others that you exhibit… with today’s manner of addressing the common-people question that called into focus ‘just who are these analysts?’
You are a born educator. — Ken B.
Compelled? Compliments? It can’t be … it’s Ken B.!
Well, this was an unexpected twist after the Spotify-sized nuke that went off in the inbox. A surprise, to be sure … but a welcome one! I mean, when have we ever said “no” to a little back-patting?
Thank you for the kind words, Ken B. — at least in this email, you rabble-rouser you.
Remember, if there’s a burning question you’d like to see answered, a trading idea you want critiqued, a stock pick you want to see torn apart … write to us! Go on now, don’t be shy. is where you can let your words fly like the wind, rant and rave to your heart’s content. Or just send us whatever oddball thoughts are rattling around your brain box this week.
Who knows? You just might see your email in the hallowed halls of Great Stuff next Friday!
In the meantime, here’s where you can find our other junk — erm, I mean where you can check out some more Greatness:
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Joseph Hargett
Editor, Great Stuff