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Resurrecting the American Dream Resurrecting the American Dream November 26, 2016 by Jocelynn Smith U.S. Economy If you consider home ownership a core of the American dream, then October may have resurrected those fading hopes. And it could get even better once a certain generation gets involved.
Inflation The Most Dangerous Chinese Export Inflation: The Most Dangerous Chinese Export November 1, 2016 by Jeff Yastine Global Economy There’s a new pattern emerging that’s going to change the economic ballgame. It’s called inflation, and while it’s been absent in recent years, it’s gaining a troubling foothold in China.
Prepare for Brain-Dead Corporate Tax Reform August 29, 2016 by Ted Bauman Taxes “Pass-through” companies — LLCs, partnerships, S corporations, etc. — comprise 95% of all U.S. businesses, and they’re about to be smacked with brain-dead corporate tax reform.
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The Billionaire Bears Club June 14, 2016 by Jeff Yastine U.S. Economy The stock market has reached a near-euphoric level of buying enthusiasm, and several billionaires are now selling into the rally. It’s time to follow the money, but not the crowd.

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