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Big Tech Has a Big Earnings Problem Is it Time to Buy Meta? Let’s take a look at Big Tech’s expected growth rates over the next three years.
Meta plummets disappointed but not surprised meme Meta’s Massive Miss; Spotify’s Rogan-omics; T-Mobile Rollin’
by Joseph Hargett February 3, 2022 Great Stuff
Sucks To Zuck Did y’all just feel that? A great disturbance in the social media Force — as if millions of Facebook investors cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I feel that something terrible has happened, Great Ones. To find out, we have to get meta … again. Dude, if you bring up […]
AMD I See Dead Pentiums Meme AMD Inside, Google’s Reverse Splits, Sony’s Hits & PayPal’s Fits
by Joseph Hargett February 2, 2022 Great Stuff
Almighty Micro Devices Great Ones, I absolutely love saying “I told you so.” It’s, like, my second favorite thing in the world. The first is, obviously, making you money. So, when Advanced Micro Devices (Nasdaq: ) reported blowout fourth-quarter earnings and rallied more than 11% … I was ecstatic. I literally got a twofer. Before […]
Had 2 Great Stuff Picks what about a third 2022 picks meme Ace Of Coinbase, Walmart’s Creepy Convenience & Sony’s EV Dreams
by Joseph Hargett January 5, 2022 Great Stuff
I Don’t Know … Third Base! Great Ones, we’ve already seen two Great Stuff Picks for 2022. And if you haven’t seen those yet, you must be having email issues again. I’m assuming that’s the problem, because why else would you miss my prognostications for investing in the new year? Why indeed? Anywho, if you […]
GS Market News Before the Holidays Fresh Prince Meme Royal Caribbean’s Revenge; Car To The Max & Blackberry’s Cyber Confidence
by Joseph Hargett December 22, 2021 Great Stuff
*Crickets* It is Wednesday, my Great Ones! And the market. Is. Dead. No, no, not from the incessant selling and tearing to shreds of weeks past. Great Ones, we have entered the deep, murky waters of … the December doldrums. Dun, dun, dun! Thank you for the dramatic gravitas! Tis the season when the ever-roaring […]

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