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Tesla $1,000: Big News Will Boost Stock by Summer May 22, 2020 Investment Opportunities, Technology, Winning Investor Daily If you thought May was a controversial month for Tesla Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk, just wait until you hear what’s coming in June…
Wackos in China, Lowe’s Gets Low, Inovio’s Got Flow May 20, 2020 Great Stuff You Can Run on for a Long Time Sooner or later, the market will cut you down. Despite the foreboding song of the day, we’re not talking about doom and gloom again today. With all the floods, plagues, fires, swarms of locusts and murder hornets, I just couldn’t resist a reference to the man in […]
Vaccine Dreams: Moderna, Sorrento and Novavax May 18, 2020 Great Stuff Damn the Torpedoes! The U.S. economy’s got something. We both know it, but we don’t talk too much about it. Ain’t no real big secret all the same. Somehow, we get around it. Listen, it don’t really matter to Wall Street. Investors believe what they want to believe. And what Wall Street believes right now […]
If You Could Kill the Coronavirus, Why Wouldn’t You? May 18, 2020 American Investor Today, Hard Commodities, Investing, Natural Resources, Precious Metals (4-minute read) Countertops, handrails and buttons could be coated in an anti-bacterial, anti-viral metal that kills coronavirus. But they're not. As industries pivot to react to this pandemic (and any others in the future), the demand for this metal will soar. But no one is paying attention…
Deflation at the Disco; Atomic Datadog; Musk the Martyr May 12, 2020 Great Stuff Wall Street Spins Records This year is all about spinning records. Now, I love to drop vinyl on the turntable as much as the next guy. OK, probably more. There’s just a warm, nostalgic sound with records that you don’t get in today’s sanitized, digital world. But the U.S. economy hasn’t exactly dropped the decade’s […]