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What did your readers have to say about Amazon Key, the company's new In-House Delivery service? Find out in our latest mailbag round up. In the Mailbag: Your Thoughts on Amazon’s In-House Delivery
by Jessica Cohn November 25, 2017 U.S. Economy
What did your readers have to say about Amazon Key, the company's new In-House Delivery service? Find out in our latest mailbag round up.
Thanks to, I can do all my holiday shopping in my pajamas while eating leftovers and drinking a holiday stout. This Black Friday, I’m Shopping at
by Joseph Hargett November 24, 2017 Investing, Stocks
Thanks to, I can do all my holiday shopping in my pajamas while eating leftovers and drinking a holiday stout.
Automation and the Rise of Robots
by Optin November 24, 2017 Disruptors and Dominators
How often do you get out of your car and go inside a bank to talk to a teller? I’ll venture a guess and say, not often at all. And of course, that’s because of Automated Teller Machines, or ATMs. ATMs were first introduced by Chemical Bank in 1969. And they are now completely ingrained […]
Oil Hits 2.5-year High. Plus Ride the Bull With QQQ Calls
by Optin November 24, 2017 Calendar Profits Trader
The Keystone Pipeline sprung a leak, spilled 5,000 barrels of crude oil in South Dakota, and has been shut down … along with the 590,000 barrels of oil a day that has been flowing through it. This, by the way, is not the Keystone XL Pipeline — a controversial project that Trump approved earlier this […]
The latest survey shows that the price of Thanksgiving dinner will be the lowest in five years. And the reason for this is simple...oil prices. Here's why. Your Holiday Meal Costs Less This Year — Here’s Why
by Matt Badiali November 24, 2017 U.S. Economy
The latest survey shows that the price of Thanksgiving dinner will be the lowest in five years. And the reason for this is simple...oil prices. Here's why.

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