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The uses for high-powered cameras extend well beyond self-driving cars. That’s the future. And here’s how you can profit… Winning Stocks in the Camera Tech Space September 18, 2017 by Chad Shoop Investment Opportunities The uses for high-powered cameras extend well beyond self-driving cars. That’s the future. And here’s how you can profit…
Few sectors were hit harder than insurance companies in 2008, so it stands to reason that they learned their lessons. But some lessons are not so easily learned... This Hurricane Season Could Devastate the Insurance Industry September 6, 2017 by Joseph Hargett U.S. Economy Few sectors were hit harder than insurance companies in 2008, so it stands to reason that they learned their lessons. But some lessons are not so easily learned...
5 Reasons to Buy Microsoft Stock to Invest in Cloud-Computing September 6, 2017 by Optin Disruptors and Dominators The Pearl Street Station in New York City was the first central power plant in the world. Powered up by the Edison Illuminating Co. in September 1882, it first generated electricity for a few dozen lights in lower Manhattan. Large-scale power plants completely changed the way that people lived. Before these power plants, people produced […]
Harvey will affect millions of lives, the economy of Texas, the nation’s economy and the stock market. Hurricane Harvey Could Cause a Recession September 5, 2017 by Michael Carr U.S. Economy Harvey will affect millions of lives, the economy of Texas, the nation’s economy and the stock market.
While the flooding in Texas deserves our attention, there is a dangerous analogous threat: the perfect storm brewing within the U.S. financial system. Stealing From Taxpayers Won’t Help Harvey Victims August 31, 2017 by Bob Bauman U.S. Economy While the flooding in Texas deserves our attention, there is a dangerous analogous threat: the perfect storm brewing within the U.S. financial system.

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