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Here Comes the Next Short-Term Oil Sell-Off June 14, 2018 by John Ross Investing, Oil When prices become unaffordable, they’ll come down. And this week, traders got another reason to second-guess the world’s appetite for high-priced crude oil.
Bill Gates Has $4.4. Billion Invested in EcoLab – Stocks to Watch June 13, 2018 by Brian Christopher Investing I was doing a search of the top insider stock buys when I learned about one of the names this famous billionaire loves...
The Dow Theory and What Trucks Can Tell Us About The Stock Market June 13, 2018 by Michael Carr Investing, Trading Strategies Investors like new ideas. New technologies bring rapid growth. But old ideas also have value. As things change, it can help to look at how they also stay the same.
Voice Recognition Has so Much More Room to Grow June 13, 2018 by Ian Dyer Economy, Technology Voice recognition technology is clearly already having an impact on how we live. And this chart takes that one step further by showing how much it can still grow.
Outdated Electric Grid How High-Tech Homeowners Are Slashing Energy Costs June 12, 2018 by Ian Dyer Economy We’re talking about huge, sustained growth in a technology that’s now becoming more appealing for more people. And investing in this trend could offer huge returns.

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