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Latest Insights on REV

Internet of Things (IoT) More Than Protected Plumbing Internet of Things (IoT): More Than Protected Plumbing October 18, 2016 by Jeff Yastine Trading Strategies Las Vegas just saved a ton of money and 300 million gallons of water by installing IoT monitoring devices in its water mains. And that’s just one system out of 150,000 in the U.S.
Costa Rica When Lifestyle Trumps Finance Costa Rica: When Lifestyle Trumps Finance October 17, 2016 by Ted Bauman Offshore Solutions There’s a reason Costa Ricans have been at the top of global “happiest people” lists for years. But is it the perfect place for a second home or second passport?
Robots Win, You Lose Robots Win, You Lose October 8, 2016 by Jocelynn Smith U.S. Economy The job market remains ugly. We’re not creating enough high-paying jobs to support the middle class, and we’re replacing low-paying jobs with robots. Where does that leave us?
GDP Apocalypse Now October 7, 2016 by Chad Shoop U.S. Economy Do you want to follow how often the U.S. economy fails to live up to expectations? Well … there’s an app for that. And what is says about gross domestic product (GDP) isn’t pretty.
WTO Lowered Its Trade Growth Forecast For The Year To Just 1.7% September 30, 2016 by Chad Shoop Global Economy The World Trade Organization (WTO) just lowered its trade growth forecast for this year and next. With central banks out of stimulus options, the time to prepare for a crash is now.

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