The Industrial DevolutionFebruary 10, 2017by Joseph HargettU.S. EconomyDue to a myriad of factors, the number of manufacturing jobs in America has declined rapidly in the past several decades.
Virtual Reality Is a Dream InvestmentJanuary 27, 2017by Joseph HargettInvestment OpportunitiesWhile Facebook dreams of VR glasses for everyone, the reality is not here yet. However, two companies are working to bring that experience to the masses.
The Wages ExperimentJanuary 7, 2017by Jocelynn SmithU.S. EconomyLast year, average hourly wages rose at the fastest pace since 2009. And that’s just the beginning… Twenty states will lift their minimum wage in 2017. It’s as if the country has become a giant economic experiment.
The Feds Are Inside Your HomeJanuary 3, 2017by Ted BaumanPrivacy InvasionAlexa and similar Internet of Things (IoT) technologies have become part of the current zeitgeist. They can remember everything input into them ... and the Feds are salivating for this data.
The New Labor WarsNovember 29, 2016by Jeff YastineU.S. EconomyLabor strikes were relatively common 30 or so years ago. They’ve become increasingly uncommon since. But we may be on the verge of a reversal in that trend.
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