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Peeling Back Political Deficit Illusions July 6, 2016 Government & Politics In politics, we typically think fiscally conservative and tax cuts for Republicans and wasteful spending and tax hikes for Democrats. But are our assumptions true?
A Time for Choosing July 4, 2016 Government & Politics Reagan once said that the average age of great civilizations is 200 years. If we want to avoid that fate, our country must unite to reassert our hard-won liberty and freedom.
Brexit Rips Apart the Global Economy June 24, 2016 Global Economy By voting to flee the European Union, the Brits shocked the world … but only because the world wasn't paying attention. Now comes the day after Brexit, and it promises to be worse than the event itself.
GE’s Disruptive Tech Boom … No, Really! June 3, 2016 Trading Strategies An old industrial giant, General Electric is about the last company you would expect to have disruptive potential. But GE’s leadership in the Internet of Things market is set to change all that.
The Great Banking Lie May 30, 2016 Government & Politics The financial sector wasn’t always looking for its next revenue fix. Savings and loan was the name of the game during the Industrial Revolution ... back before banks became economic parasites.