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3 Lithium Stocks for EV Battery Moonshot August 23, 2022 Investment Opportunities, Winning Investor Daily We’re witnessing the evolution of EV batteries in real time. And it’s opening a new world of investments ... including in lithium.
Only AMAT-ter Of Time; Blue-Chip Dividends & Deere Necessities August 19, 2022 Great Stuff Friday Four Play: The “His Applied Materials” Edition Great Ones, it’s no secret that the tech sector is in shambles right now. A shadow of its former market-domineering self. Even semiconductor stocks — the linchpins of the tech sector — are taking a massive beating. But as Douglas Adams once wrote: “Don’t Panic!” After all, […]
AMDelovely & Delicious, Airbnb Or Bust, TAP That Coors August 3, 2022 Great Stuff AMD Is Drinking Milkshakes Great Ones, one of these nights. One of these crazy old nights. We’re gonna find out what turns on Wall Street’s lights. Advanced Micro Devices (Nasdaq: ) is calling. The fever is high, and yet Wall street whispers and moans. Dude, didn’t you know? Nobody likes The Eagles! I’ve always said […]
Options Arena: Bitcoin, Round 2 July 31, 2022 Investing, Options Arena, Trading Strategies, True Options Masters For the first time in Options Arena, there was a general consensus. Don't buy and hold bitcoin — do this instead...
Netflix’s Stranglehold; IBM Ex Machina; Hasbro’s Dungeon Crawler July 19, 2022 Great Stuff Netflix Turns Upside Down Great Ones, have you ever heard the saying: “You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain?” While the quote is most likely drawn from the works of German philosopher Nietzsche, you probably remember hearing it in the 2008 blockbuster Batman movie The Dark […]