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Latest Insights on HAL

Inflation Blowing Up the Dollar Inflation: Blowing Up the Dollar No one talks much about inflation anymore. But if you’re completely in cash, you’ll lose it bit by bit, a little one year, a lot in others. And it’s all because of inflation.
The Brexit Lesson Diversify or Face Dire Consequences The Brexit Lesson: Diversify or Face Dire Consequences Ted Bauman visited London this weekend, and, over pints of dodgy English ale, he uncovered answers to a key post-Brexit investing strategy.
OPEC Just Won the Oil War OPEC Just Won the Oil War
by Jeff Yastine November 19, 2016 Oil
The damage from the oil war with OPEC lies all over America’s shale-oil regions. With the cartel set to cut production, America’s shale-oil producers will be hard pressed to catch up.
Hello Technology, Goodbye Jobs Hello Technology, Goodbye Jobs
by Jeff Opdyke November 16, 2016 U.S. Economy
As the Internet of Things takes over, it will do more than provide convenience. It promises to steal nearly all existing jobs. Without change, this is bad news all around for pretty much all of us.
Trump the Collapse With Gold How Will Trump’s Win Affect Financial Wealth in Dollars and Cents
by Jeff Yastine November 9, 2016 Government & Politics
Now that the Trump victory is in the history books, what’s it mean for our financial wealth? James Dale Davidson and Jeff Opdyke weigh in on what to expect from President Trump.

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