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What Russia’s War Means for Your Investments February 25, 2022 Big Picture. Big Profits., Global Economy, News Russia's invasion of the Ukraine is official. With tanks in the street, sanctions set to fly and Russia's stock market in free fall, Ted Bauman takes a moment to zoom out and look at the bigger picture for your portfolio. Today's video covers Russia's motivations for going to war, the likely outcome for global commodities prices, and how you can safely grow and protect your wealth as history unfolds in Eastern Europe.
Bitcoin’s Busted Stress Test, Praise The Papa, Planet Gen Z February 24, 2022 Great Stuff Crypto-calypse? Apoca-crypto? Screw it; we’ll keep workshopping that one. Great Ones … how you doin’ out there today? Normally, I’d be putting some pithy statement here. Some rallying cry in the face of volatility, your standard lyrical shenanigans to boot. Maybe a couple-a three Sopranos jokes just to wet the whistle. But today, Great Ones, […]
What Would Washington Do in 2022? February 21, 2022 Big Picture. Big Profits., Investment Opportunities, Trading Strategies In addition to George Washington's already long list of superlatives, we can add that he was also history’s wealthiest president (until 2016). In total, Washington owned 50,000+ acres with a value equivalent to 0.19% of the country’s gross domestic product. In today’s terms, that would make him worth $43.6 billion. Richer than Michael Dell. So, what was Washington’s secret for building a fortune that outlasted even him?
Nvidia’s Negative Nancies; Cannabis Coladas & Hypothetical Hyperboles February 18, 2022 Great Stuff Friday Feedback: Nvidia’s Negative Nancies Are you ready, Great Ones? Aye, aye, captain! Now there’s the enthusiasm we need for a hearty helping of … drumroll please … Reader Feedback! Today’s the day when we dig through the Great Stuff inbox for those delectable morsels you send us on the daily. Then we chew them […]
The Fed’s Failure To Launch, Rivian Rips & McDonald’s Dips February 14, 2022 Great Stuff The Fed Goes Jekyll And Hyde Great Ones, there’s something funny about the Federal Reserve. I mean, when I talk about the Fed, I’m typically talking directly about Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell — aka J. Pow or J. Money depending on which subreddit you’re on. Everybody funny, Mr. Great Stuff. Now you funny too. […]