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South Korea and Iran report COVID-19 outbreaks, but it was Italy’s news that truly sank Wall Street. Wall Street’s Italian Job; Gilead’s Gilded Lead The Kings of Wishful Thinking “I’ll get over you; I know I will. I’ll pretend my ship’s not sinking.” — Go West Don’t look now, but we have our first major COVID-19 outbreak in a Western country. Italy announced over the weekend that the number of confirmed coronavirus infections spiked to 230 patients. In response, […]
I can’t believe that I — the guy making financial memes— had to be the one to sound the warning, but that’s where we are in this market. Apple Is the Canary; Buffett Goes Kroger-ing
by Joseph Hargett February 18, 2020 Great Stuff
COVID-19: Greater Than Just Apple Oh man … what a weekend! (There ain’t no party like a Presidents Day party. Am I right?) But it wasn’t all George-cherry Jell-O shots and Abe appletinis… In this midst of consuming my executive branch libations, I was struck with a thought: What would it take for Wall Street […]
Jerome Powell doesn’t believe in directly funding the U.S. government, which is interesting when you consider that’s exactly what he’s doing. The Fed Shells; Shopify Excels; Lyft Smells
by Joseph Hargett February 12, 2020 Great Stuff
The Fed’s Shell Game Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell just finished back-to-back meetings with the House Financial Services Committee and the Senate banking committee. It was exciting stuff … let me tell you. Kind of like watching paint dry. It’s no wonder the financial media are still focused on the Wuhan coronavirus and the market’s […]
You’re probably experiencing virus fatigue at this point, but there are a few new developments … and it’s crucial to the market that we cover them. WHO’s on Wuhan?; Tesla Zombies; Nio Shanghaied I Bless the Rains Down in China Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Wuhan anymore. I get that you’re probably experiencing virus fatigue at this point, but there are a few new developments … and it’s crucial that we cover them. First, the Wuhan coronavirus has spread to more than 40,500 people globally, […]
It was supposed to be a beautiful day in the neighborhood, but Wall Street was hoping for a little less “beautiful” on the jobs front. Jobs Amassing, Aurora’s Crashing, Uber’s Dashing
by Joseph Hargett February 7, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “What Do You Mean, No Rate Cut?” Edition (Did a friend forward you this email? If so, you owe them big-time! Seriously, this is Great Stuff. We don’t take that title lightly. After you’ve thanked your friend profusely, why not sign up for yourself today? It’s mostly painless. I promise.) I […]

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