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A Eulogy for Democracy October 12, 2016 Government & Politics In better days, America's capitalist democracy was the envy of the world. Now, however, it's dead ... and American voters are the ones who killed it.
GDP Apocalypse Now October 7, 2016 U.S. Economy Do you want to follow how often the U.S. economy fails to live up to expectations? Well … there’s an app for that. And what is says about gross domestic product (GDP) isn’t pretty.
Wall Street Is Destroying the Economic Recovery August 31, 2016 U.S. Economy Despite the Fed’s blather, America’s chemistry is off. An ingredient necessary for a vibrant economy is missing. One look at the data will show you exactly what’s missing and why.
Basic Income Will Kill the Economy August 24, 2016 U.S. Economy In a world where machines can make perfect burgers, there’s no need for $15-an-hour burger flippers. But the solution, basic income, is more science fiction than fact.
Goodbye Austerity, Hello Big Government Spending August 9, 2016 Government & Politics One of the rare things that Clinton and Trump both agree on is bigger government spending. Austerity is out. Infrastructure spending is in, and you’re going to pay for it.