3 MAGA Trends Set to Dominate the Market in 2025November 14, 2024by Adam O'DellBanyan Edge, Investment Opportunities, StocksMarkets have been in a state of pure jubilation since Trump’s re-election last Tuesday — driving both bitcoin and the S&P 500 to unprecedented new highs. But now that stocks are starting to level off, and it’s time to look toward the future. Specifically, we need to consider how Trump’s inauguration will transform our investing opportunities in 2025…
The End of Labor Day: The “Bot-com” Revolution Is Almost HereSeptember 3, 2024by Ian KingArtificial Intelligence, Banyan Edge, TechnologyWe all remember the Jetsons, the space-age cartoon family depicted in the classic 1960's cartoon. Well, the new crop of Humanoid robots makes Rosie the Robot look like my Roomba. These robots are intended to look like and mimic humans, which makes them a perfect fit for any workspace or home in our modern world. And recent advances in robotics and AI have spurned a whole new class of robots that could be headed for delivery in early 2025.
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