Latest Insights on HOPE
Great Stuff on Tour; Netflix on the Rocks October 17, 2019 Great Stuff Three things you need to read while Great Stuff is off gallivanting (read: stranded).
The U.S.-China Trade Deal Bamboozle: There is No Trade Deal October 14, 2019 Great Stuff You’ve Been Bamboozled Something is bothering me, dear Great Stuff readers. I feel you’ve been done a disservice by the financial media after Friday’s trade-deal love fest. So, to make things painfully clear, let’s just put this on the table now: There is no trade deal. I know, I know. You were told on Friday […]
Natural Gas Stocks Will Rebound: Your Opportunity for Massive Gains October 14, 2019 American Investor Today, Investing, Investment Opportunities, Natural Resource Options Alert, Natural Resources Natural gas is at extreme lows. Money managers are more bearish on this natural resource than they were back in 2017. But John Ross knows prices won’t stay low for long, and he sees this as an opportunity to make big money when natural gas prices rebound. (3-minute read)
Wall Street’s Drum Circle; Iran’s Bang and Blame Boosts Oil October 11, 2019 Great Stuff Friday Four Play: Shiny Happy People Trading Stocks It’s such a bright and fuzzy day on Wall Street, isn’t it? We’ve got “warmer feelings” and “good things” happening with China. It’s just like “the Old Days,” according to President Trump. I think we all need to take a moment, put some flowers in our hair, […]
Here’s Why You Need to Avoid Wall Street’s Hype on Cannabis October 11, 2019 American Investor Today, Cannabis, Investing, Investment Opportunities Wall Street creates hype around new sectors. People get excited and buy shares. That bubble bursts once the hype is over. Former Wall Street insider Charles Mizrahi shares his insight on the stock market’s hype around pot stocks. He discusses the recent cannabis bubble and shares how you can make money without investing in risky marijuana stocks. (7-minute video)