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silver bars and the stock market Should You Bet on a Silver Short Squeeze? [3-minute read] No! But you SHOULD buy silver now.
3 Mistakes Investors Make (5-minute read) Even Warren Buffett makes mistakes. But you don’t have to. Avoid these three common mistakes and you’ll make profits…
If you’re holding bitcoin, I feel bad for you, son. I’ve got 99 problems, but bitcoin ain’t one … because we listen to Ian “The Crypto” King. Braving Bitcoin; Bank of Walmart; Google Rumbles with Rumble
by Joseph Hargett January 12, 2021 Great Stuff
The Bold and the Bitcoin If you’re holding bitcoin, I feel bad for you, son. I’ve got 99 problems, but bitcoin ain’t one. Why? Because I listen to my Banyan Hill colleague Ian “The Crypto” King. But more on that in a bit… Four days ago, so-called “mutual fund titan” Bill Miller told CNBC: One […]
What better way to round out the year than with a double dose of the good stuff? It’s the final Reader Feedback day of the year! On the Eve of Greatness: A Feedback Finale
by Joseph Hargett December 31, 2020 Great Stuff
The Feedback Strikes Back Welcome one and all to the last issue of Great Stuff … until tomorrow! So, to send us all into the new year with style, we’re taking today to turn it over to the real greatness that’s powered me and the team through 2020: your emails! Who knew the real Great […]
I hope you’ve kept your powder dry, Great Ones. The time to go on a bullish buying spree is almost upon us … according to JPMorgan, at least. Bull Powder Primed; Apple Cores Intel; Cuckoo for Cocoa
by Joseph Hargett December 7, 2020 Great Stuff
Good Times, Bad Times In the days of my youth, I was told what it means to trade with a plan. Now I’ve reached the age, I’ve tried to use those investment tips the best I can. No matter how I try, I find my way to the same old jam… Good times … bad […]

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