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Last Week’s Sell-off Is … Bullish
by Michael Carr May 25, 2017 Stocks
There’s still no shortage of bad news, but the S&P 500 Index has recovered. Does this mean the bears were wrong? Some testing shows that they probably were.
Despite Washington’s scandals and the mass media headlines predicting doom and gloom, the U.S. economy is picking up steam. We’re on Track for a Solid Recovery
by Joseph Hargett May 24, 2017 U.S. Economy
Despite Washington’s scandals and the mass media headlines predicting doom and gloom, the U.S. economy is picking up steam.
Australia might be known as the Land Down Under, but these days another nickname might apply … like “the Blackouts Down Under.” The Next Big Thing: Lightning in a Bottle Australia might be known as the Land Down Under, but these days another nickname might apply … like “the Blackouts Down Under.”
Right now, small-cap stocks are performing worse than large-cap stocks, which is a sign of weakness in the broad market. Small Caps Are Warning of a Pullback in the Stock Market
by Michael Carr May 23, 2017 Stocks
Right now, small-cap stocks are performing worse than large-cap stocks, which is a sign of weakness in the broad market.
In 2016, diesel vehicles sales fell to their lowest volume in seven years. That led to an unexpected bull market … in palladium. How the Volkswagen Scandal Created an Unusual Bull Market
by Matt Badiali May 23, 2017 Precious Metals
In 2016, diesel vehicles sales fell to their lowest volume in seven years. That led to an unexpected bull market … in palladium.

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