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How to Invest in the Booming Pet Care Industry, Top Stocks to Choose The overall pet industry is absolutely booming. Now is a good time to consider investing a part of your portfolio in the pet care market for the long term.
Here’s How This Peak Velocity System Doubles the S&P 500 Peak Velocity provided an average annual return of 22.8%. That’s almost twice the gains of the S&P 500. More important, Peak Velocity decreased risk.
Analysis of 2018 Housing Market [Declining]
by Jay Goldberg July 31, 2018 Economy
Declining home sales show that more potential homebuyers are deciding to rent. And as prices continue to climb, we could be looking at the next housing market peak.
Russia Adds 106 Tons of Gold to Its Stockpile
by Bob Bauman July 31, 2018 Gold, Precious Metals
Time and again, gold has proven to be one of the few investments that survives, even thrives, during times of economic uncertainty.
Why Buffett, Dalio Et Al Are Holding Cash and Other Safe Havens
by Ted Bauman July 30, 2018 Investing
What are the best investors doing right now … the smartest of smart money? The answer will shock you … and chances are, it’s not what you’re doing.

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