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Wall Street is bubbling up big-time. Now’s not the time to be greedy. Now’s the time to get your stocks in a row and keep your powder dry. Stocks’ Bubble Bobble; Straight Outta Oxford; Nikola Now
by Joseph Hargett July 20, 2020 Great Stuff
Bubble, Bubble Toil and Trouble I had a rather disturbing revelation this weekend, dear reader … one I haven’t had since the 2008 financial crisis. On Saturday, I was minding my own business, playing video games online to wind down from the week. You know, social distancing and all that. Nothing out of the usual. […]
Stock Market Winners for the Vaccine-Driven Recovery [14-minute video] Three charts show what’s likely coming next. Here’s how to position yourself.
Wall Street is back in black — it hit the vax! The bulls are glad to be back. Another day on the stock market pendulum. All Vax-ed Out; Global Goldman; Preaching Peacock
by Joseph Hargett July 15, 2020 Great Stuff
Back in Vax Wall Street is back in black. Hit the sack. It’s been so long; bulls are glad to be back. Vaccine news let ‘em loose, from the coronavirus noose that’s kept stocks hanging around. But it wasn’t just one COVID-19 vaccine revelation that has Wall Street looking at the sky and getting high. […]
Earnings season is ratcheting up the pressure on Wall Street. But the biggest story will be Tesla and a potential surprise profit. Pepsi Pops Earnings; TSLA Shorts Burning; Pfinding Pfizer
by Joseph Hargett July 13, 2020 Great Stuff
Earnings Season Ga Ga This thing … called earnings season. I just … can’t handle it! This thing … called earnings season. I must … get around to it. Are you ready? Yes, dear reader, second-quarter earnings season is upon us. It’s time to shake all over like a jellyfish … I kinda like it. […]
What’s a biotech investor to do? Everyone and their mother is making a vaccine. Great Stuff has a quick rundown for you. The Amazing Vaccine Race; Great Stuff Picks Alert!
by Joseph Hargett July 7, 2020 Great Stuff
The Amazing Vaccine Race Today, we’re talking about vaccines! Particularly, we’re spotlighting Novavax Inc. (Nasdaq: NVAX) and its $1.6 billion award from the U.S. government. It truly is a major award … the biggest one yet to come from the White House’s Operation Warp Speed initiative. (I still think that should be our time travel […]

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