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The best thing an investor can do right now is not panic. Hunker down, hold what you can and wait. This too shall pass. Hong Kong Fluey; Airlines Clash; Chip Hopes Dashed Hong Kong Fluey It’s no secret that I like being right, dear readers. But not like this … not like this. The Wuhan coronavirus has spread to nearly 3,000 confirmed infections and close to 80 deaths. China has now quarantined 16 cities, issued a group-travel ban and a ban on eating wild meat in Wuhan. […]
When it comes to stock market doom and gloom, don’t be afraid of the bears when they roar … be afraid when they’re silent. More Roaring Bears; Netflix Puts on Airs; Apple Doesn’t Care
by Joseph Hargett January 17, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Big FAANG-y Teeth” Edition Before we get started today, I want to remind you that Great Stuff will be closed on Monday, January 20. It’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and the market is closed. I’ll be enjoying my day off, and I suggest you do the same! With the pleasantries […]
1 Cloud-Service Stock to Watch in 2020 MongoDB’s early innovations in database software turned the company into one of the biggest names in cloud storage. As it faces greater competition from Amazon and Google, Chad will tell you whether to expect bigger moves from the stock or a steep decline in 2020.
tech stocks and booming markets Your Requested Topics: Tech, Pot Stocks, AI [2020 Forecast Series] Last week, you told us the topics you most wanted to hear about in our special 2020 Forecast series: tech stocks, cannabis and artificial intelligence. Here’s what our experts had to say about those topics and more! (3-minute read)
ai mega trends in 2020 2020 Investing Strategy: Why You Should Buy Artificial Intelligence Stocks Charles Mizrahi discusses a mega trend with enormous growth potential that you can profit from in 2020. He also provides his insight about the one industry you should avoid investing in next year.

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