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Why Jim Rogers Has a Bearish View on Tech February 9, 2016 Investing Jim Rogers is one of the most successful contrarians in the world when it comes to investing. Find out where this preeminent investor sees opportunities and why he is bearish on tech.
This Indicator Says the Market Will Drop 20% February 5, 2016 U.S. Economy A key market indicator has missed projecting a decline in the past two years, but the third time will not be charming. There's a storm brewing on Wall Street: the 2016 market crisis.
The Chinese Market: A Sleeping Dragon or The Misunderstood Giant January 20, 2016 Global Economy The media has spread fear about China's market collapse for months, but it's time to look beyond the headlines. The numbers are in, and it's the U.S., not China, who's in trouble...
4 Steps to Protect Your Assets From a Market Crash (& How to Spot One) January 8, 2016 U.S. Economy Following its December rate hike, the Federal Reserve hopes to raise rates three more times in 2016. But another step by the Fed may end in a stumble for the stock market.