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Ah, Feedback days: Where we answer your questions, let you rant, riff on your insanity and address your concerns about stocks and the market. Reader Roundup: Sensors and Sensibilities
by Joseph Hargett October 8, 2020 Great Stuff
Stairway to Great Stuff Welcome to Reader Feedback day! The day that’s all about you, the Great Stuff reader — the Great One, if you will. Today’s the day when we answer your questions, address your concerns about stocks and the market, let you rant … and generally riff off whatever insanity you send our […]
2 Charts Tell You Which Stocks to Buy … and When to Buy Them [3-minute read] Find long-term winners with fundamental and technical analysis.
Great Stuff is sailing away, setting an open course for what happens if Congress fails at another recovery bill. Powell Power; Feel the LUV; Fisker Finally?
by Joseph Hargett October 6, 2020 Great Stuff
Come Sail Away with Great Stuff I’m sailing away. Set an open course for the Federal Reserve. Cause markets don’t want to be free … free to face a life with no liquidity. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell’s the captain, so climb aboard. We’ll search for stock market gains on every shore. And we’ll try the […]
5 ETFs for Warren Buffett’s Next Big Success Story [4-minute read] Buffett Indicator shows there IS an alternative to overpriced stocks.
The shuffling madness has Wall Street skating away on the thin ice of a new day. But Great Stuff makes sure you aren’t sitting on a park bench, eyeing stock returns with bad intent. Presidential Quarantine; Nio’s Amigos; Heigh-Ho Twilio
by Joseph Hargett October 2, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “For Whom the Bell Tulls” Edition In the shuffling madness of the stock market’s breath runs the all-time speculator headlong to his death. We can feel the bear claws scraping, returns breaking on our brows. But Jerome Powell stole the handle … and pain, it won’t stop going. No way to […]

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