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The Buy-and-Hold Strategy Has Failed You Catastrophically July 24, 2017 Trading Strategies Over the past 17 years, the average annual return for the buy-and-hold strategy is just 4%. What’s worse is this fate could have been avoided...
This Tech Trend Will Transform Every Industry July 21, 2017 Investment Opportunities This is a movement that is hitting more households and industries every day. It’s creating amazing opportunities for profits…
Gold’s Seasonal Uptrend Just Started … But I’m Still Short Gold July 21, 2017 Gold The 10-year seasonal uptrend started on July 9, and, like clockwork, prices jumped. But I’m still short gold prices. Here’s why...
Is Gerrymandering a Threat to Democracy? July 20, 2017 Government & Politics The U.S. Supreme Court's upcoming decision on gerrymandering could have a major impact on future U.S. elections. But will it really change anything?
Patience Is a Virtue, Especially When It Comes to Stocks July 17, 2017 Trading Strategies When someone like you signs up for one of our trading services, you are eager to get trades and make money. However, patience is key.