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A Peek Behind the Market Maker’s Shoulder November 9, 2022 by Bryan Klindworth Investing, King's Corner, Trading Strategies Because they’re derivatives of stock prices, a lot of people think options are priced “automatically” based on how the stock price is moving. This just isn’t the case...
Yo dawg heard you like Cat Caterpillar stock meme Economic Advice From A Caterpillar, Meta Morphs, McDonald’s Golden Earnings October 27, 2022 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff CAT’s Outta The Bag Why must I chase the CAT? And how in the world does this cat always manage to land on its feet? Something to do with those nine lives, I’d imagine. Anyway… All the market’s atomic dogs chasing Big Tech stocks this week are probably wishing they’d stuck to chasing Caterpillar (NYSE: […]

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