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A Lack of Fear Means the End of the Bull Market Is Near April 11, 2018 Economy A bull market climbs a wall of worry. This means prices rise when traders worry. Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of traders worrying right now.
Veterans’ Scandal-Ridden Health Care Is Still a Disaster April 10, 2018 Government & Politics The Veteran Affairs crisis provides a cautionary example of what happens when nervous Washington politicians try to micromanage a medical system.
Why Mexico Needs U.S. Gasoline April 10, 2018 Government & Politics, Oil With talks of the U.S. losing in trade deals, there is a surprising victory with our southern neighbor. To understand why, we have to take a couple steps back...
Congratulations! The Market Correction Is Over April 9, 2018 Economy I want to congratulate you on surviving the first market correction in nearly three years. Now let me explain why it’s over, and how you can profit.
The Market Is Set to Enter a Euphoric Stage April 6, 2018 Economy, Investment Opportunities A key sign to look for is consumer optimism. That's because a jump in demand for big-ticket items will be a boost for the stock market.