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Plug Power goes gangbusters on Walmart deal expansion. Great Stuff Picks readers are up a whopping 93% in less than three months! Plug Power’s Pure Play; Baidu’s Bold Bid; Nio Not Tesla
by Joseph Hargett December 15, 2020 Great Stuff
Plugged In & Powered Up! Can you feel it, Great Ones? The power emanating from your portfolio today? What you feel is no joke. It’s the beginnings of greatness itself. The rise of Plug Power (Nasdaq: )! I mean, you did buy PLUG back when Great Stuff Picks recommended it on October 23, right? If […]
DoorDash will officially go public. Great Stuff has all the deets … and a question or two just for you Great Ones. The Dashing, The Drafted and the Disney+
by Joseph Hargett November 13, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Slim Shady IPO” Edition Guess who’s back … back again? Great Stuff’s back. Tell a friend. (Tell a friend.) I’ve created a monster, ‘cause nobody wants to see Joseph no more. They want Mr. Great Stuff — I’m chopped liver. Well, if you want Great Stuff, this is what I’ll give […]
What does it say about 2020 that a new president’s election isn’t the biggest news? A 5% rally all over a McPlant… Wall Street’s Hope Injection; Plug’s Power; McFaceplant
by Joseph Hargett November 9, 2020 Great Stuff
The Hope Inoculum Positive vaccine results and a president-elect? Take that stock market uncertainty! Great Ones, we just took two large steps forward in weeding out market volatility. As you all probably already know, the major U.S. broadcasting networks dubbed Joe Biden president-elect over the weekend. Clearly, this is an unofficial declaration, as there are […]
This is 2020 — everything’s contested and nothing comes easy, even for investors. You need someone to help you hold on to your butt. Election Affliction; AMD Conviction; Nio’s European Vacation
by Joseph Hargett November 4, 2020 Great Stuff
Welcome to Election Park Mr. Great Stuff, If you do anything on Election Day besides vote, can you please make a meme of the Samuel L. Jackson quote from Jurassic Park where he says, “Hold on to your butts.” … I think it would be a perfect fit for election day and all the outcomes […]
Election results, pandemic responses and October jobs data … man it’s a busy week. And we didn't even mention earnings season yet. Election Forecasts; Clorox’s Clean Sweep; Nio the Golden Child
by Joseph Hargett November 2, 2020 Great Stuff
It’s the Final Countdown! We are close, Great Ones! One of the major cogs in the vast volatility machine is about to be put out of commission. Election day is tomorrow. While I don’t expect a clear winner before the day is up, we should be able to put this uncertainty driver to bed very […]

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