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How to Know When It’s Safe to Buy Stocks Again May 2, 2018 Investing, Investment Opportunities A bear market officially requires a 20% decline, but the recent market action probably feels like a bear market to many investors.
2 Huge Economic Problems That Are Hidden in the Data May 1, 2018 Economy, Trending There’s one sector that’s got some great-looking data, but that’s really just masking an even bigger problem…
Mergers and Acquisitions: Still the Best Bet for 2018 May 1, 2018 Investing, Investment Opportunities Late last year, I called “M&A” — mergers and acquisitions — one of the stock market’s best bets for 2018. As far as I’m concerned, that’s still the case for smart investors.
Connecting the Dots Creates an Ominous Picture April 30, 2018 Investing “Connect the dots” is essentially the game that we financial writers play. Our job is to generate a picture from seemingly unconnected data points.
This Quiet War Could Supercharge Oil Prices Soon April 27, 2018 Investing, Investment Opportunities, Oil Over the last couple of weeks, we discussed two reasons for the rising oil price. However, there is another source of anxiety in the oil market.