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Space it's full of bitcoin Tesla meme small Tesla’s Bitcoin Barrage, Clean Energy’s Garbage Gas, A Palantir Cleanser February 8, 2021 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Tesla’s Bitcoin Oddity Ground control to Elon Musk. Ground control to Elon Musk. Invest in crypto coins and charge your Model S… This is ground control to Elon Musk. Tesla’s (Nasdaq: ) really made the grade. And the financial papers want to know which crypto coin you bear. Now it’s time to invest in bitcoin […]
Are you ready for more Tesla stock on the market? Too bad — you get it anyway! $5 billion more in new TSLA shares to be precise. Tesla’s Rebel Yell; Apple Peddlers; Warner’s Worst December 8, 2020 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Tesla’s Rebel Yell In the midnight hour, Musk cried: “More! More! More!” With a rebel yell, he cried: “Five. Billion. More!” More, more, more! Are you ready for more Tesla (Nasdaq: )? Too bad — you get it anyway! CEO Elon Musk is about to roll out not a new Tesla model, but $5 billion […]
Intel aims at Nvidia with its Amazon deal, despite AMD nipping at its heels. The Big Data market is as complicated as a telenovela lately… Intel’s Habana Hotel; Palantir’s Palate Cleanser; WORK it Salesforce December 2, 2020 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Habana Intel-igence  Habana, ooh na-na. Intel’s heart is in Habana, ooh na-na. Amazon cloud deal with Habana, ooh na-na. Great, now that song’s stuck in my head. Thanks, Mr. Great Stuff! Welcome to my world. Anyway, if you didn’t gather from the Camila Cabello lyrics, Intel’s (Nasdaq: ) Habana Labs business just signed a cloud […]

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"You told me to ignore the noise on Wall Street. And thanks to you, I started towards the end of 2016 with $200,000 in my account and I recently put in an extra $100,000. [As of February 2019] My account is worth $500,788! I would’ve missed out if I followed conventional wisdom."

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