Latest Insights on HL
The Big Oil Comeback October 25, 2016 Oil Oil is dead … according to the media heralding electric vehicles and the growth of wind and solar energy. Don't believe it. In fact, we may be entering a new golden era for oil investing.
Don't Overlook Russia October 19, 2016 Currency The consensus insists that an investment in Russia is ill-advised. But the country isn’t the scary beast we’re led to believe it is. It's simply a market misunderstood by much of the West.
Costa Rica: When Lifestyle Trumps Finance October 17, 2016 Offshore Solutions There’s a reason Costa Ricans have been at the top of global “happiest people” lists for years. But is it the perfect place for a second home or second passport?
Collectibles: Your Shelter From Volatility October 15, 2016 Onshore Solutions Collectibles are a way to protect your assets not only from upheaval in the market, but also from the uncertainty we are facing with an out-of-control government and the upcoming presidential election.
The Best Days to Trade Stocks Briefly Explained – The Super 8 October 14, 2016 Trading Strategies Investors are beginning to realize that a market crash is on its way. But this doesn't mean you have to abandon the market. Learn the best days to trade stocks and avoid the collapse to come.