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Copper Is the One Metal You Can’t Ignore
by Matt Badiali November 14, 2017 Hard Commodities
Copper has enjoyed a stellar rally for more than a year, but its far from over as a rising new tech will increase demand for the metal.
Banks are already baking this new tool against hackers into their products, providing yet another fertile area for future cybersecurity investment. The Powerful New Tool Against Hackers Banks are already baking this kind of security into their products, providing yet another fertile area for future cybersecurity investment.
Augmented reality uses your phone's screen to make images appear in real life. And some companies are using it to do some very practical and helpful things. Augmented Reality Is the Future of Shopping
by Ian Dyer November 8, 2017 Investment Opportunities
Augmented reality uses your phone's screen to make images appear in real life. And some companies are using it to do some very practical and helpful things.
The Great Global Reflation Trade
by Sean Brodrick November 8, 2017 Uncategorized
A funny thing happened to commodities in October. They went up. All of ’em. Or nearly all. Enough that the CRB Index busted out like an escaped felon with nothing to lose. This index tracks a basket of 19 commodities. It’s energy-heavy – 33% by weight. But it is stuffed with everything from cocoa to […]
What’s so interesting (and dangerous) is that it’s not mortgage debt, but all the nonhousing debt that’s leading the charge this time. Rising Debt Spells ‘Warning!’ for This Bull Market
by Jeff Yastine November 7, 2017 U.S. Economy
What’s so interesting (and dangerous) is that it’s not mortgage debt, but all the nonhousing debt that’s leading the charge this time.

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“I started with $215,000 in Nov. 2018, It is now over 800,000. So very happy with Banyan Hill Publishing.”

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