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Geothermal Is So Hot, Uncle Sam’s Crypto Grab Bag & EMF Is Unbelievable September 24, 2021 Great Stuff Friday Feedback: The “We Will Rock You” Edition Buddy, you’re an investor, make a big noise playing on the Street, gonna make some big gains someday! You got mud on your face… Actually, that’s not as bad as it sounds — the mud on your face, that is. ‘Cause today, we’re talking about investing in […]
Implementing Risk Parity in Your Portfolio September 21, 2021 Big Picture. Big Profits., Economy, Trading Strategies Ray Dalio, billionaire hedge fund manager, uses risk parity at his quant-based hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates. That’s because it makes all the difference in the world to your investing success. It’s the concept of investing based on allocation of risk using volatility instead of other commonly known techniques (such as market cap). You buy the same stocks, but you put LESS money into higher volatility (riskier) plays and MORE money into lower volatility (less risky) ones. Then you sleep much better at night! Your goal is to have your portfolio as a whole rise over time, with the least amount of fluctuation along the way. But to make this easy, you need…
Oil Stocks? I’ve Got No Energy For This & OTC Toyota-Thon September 17, 2021 Great Stuff Friday Feedback: The “Sympathy For The Oil” Edition Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m a commodity of wealth and taste. I’ve been around for a long, long years, stole many a man’s retirement. I was around when Jimmy Carter had his moment of doubt and pain. Made damn sure that Iran closed its ports […]
Boeing’s 2040 Vision, Coinbase’s Crypto Junk & The Taco Bell Funk September 15, 2021 Great Stuff Someone Hit The Snooze Button Holy cats, Great Ones! Today was one boring day on the stock market. I mean, just look at the headlines from the major financial publications: How the rich can catch a break with the new tax plan. Ray Dalio ripping on Bitcoin (BTC) … again. And Social Security! You know […]
Ogling China’s EV Oligopoly, Apple Loses An Epic Fight & Virgin Immobile September 13, 2021 Great Stuff There Can Be Only 1 Here we are, Great Ones, born to be kings! We’re the princes of the universe! Hold on there, Mr. Great Stuff. A stock you just recommended is tanking on bad news, and this is how you react? Why yes. Yes, it is how I’m reacting. Didn’t you ever watch The […]