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Latest Insights on ROKU

You want the perfect gift this holiday season? How about Roku! Stock or streaming device, it doesn’t matter. Get ready to rally! Riled-Up Roku, Tesla Targets and Cocktail Therapy
by Joseph Hargett November 23, 2020 Great Stuff
All I Want for Christmas… There’s only one thing I want for Christmas this year, Great Ones. Can any of you guess what that is? World peace? 1,000% gains? A vaccine? Market rationality? Tell us! This sounds corny, but I want a Sony Corp. (NYSE: ) PlayStation 5 Digital Edition. I want to bask in […]
Wondering where that Great Stuff Picks portfolio is or how Plug Power is doing? I’ve got your portfolio right here. It’s Reader Feedback day! Reader Feedback: Stuff It. Great Stuff It Good!
by Joseph Hargett November 12, 2020 Great Stuff
Crack That Whip! When a problem comes along, you Great Stuff it. If the market does you wrong, you Great Stuff it. You will never live it down … unless you Stuff it. Welcome to Reader Feedback day! Today is the day when Great Ones get the chance to tell the market — or Mr. […]
The Federal Reserve replaced the punch bowl with a Jacuzzi spiked with grain alcohol. But that wasn’t the end of it. Roku Reigns; CringeStop Pain; Peloton Pile-up
by Joseph Hargett November 6, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Churning Earnings” Edition Happy Friday, Great Ones! Are you ready to end this wild and wooly week with a wee dose of earnings? I hope so because other than the election — which still drags on inexorably as I write this — there isn’t much else interesting out there. Well … […]
Election results, pandemic responses and October jobs data … man it’s a busy week. And we didn't even mention earnings season yet. Election Forecasts; Clorox’s Clean Sweep; Nio the Golden Child
by Joseph Hargett November 2, 2020 Great Stuff
It’s the Final Countdown! We are close, Great Ones! One of the major cogs in the vast volatility machine is about to be put out of commission. Election day is tomorrow. While I don’t expect a clear winner before the day is up, we should be able to put this uncertainty driver to bed very […]
Things are getting spooky in the social media market, and it could have grave consequences for your portfolio! Facebook’s Thriller; Apple Bobbing; Ghouls and Googles
by Joseph Hargett October 30, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “FAANG Thriller Bonanza” Edition It’s close to midnight, and social media’s lurking in the dark. Under your screen light, you see a sight that almost stops your heart… Facebook Inc. (Nasdaq: ) saw daily active users (DAU) drop by two million during the third quarter. Elsewhere, Twitter Inc. (NYSE: ) also […]

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