Latest Insights on INTC
Gold Diggers; Nvidia ARMed; TSLA’s Chinese Bevy; Sorry Chevy August 17, 2020 Great Stuff I Spy Golden Eyes Welcome to another week jam-packed with market goodness, Great Stuff reader! We’re kicking things off with a look at the most valuable malleable metal: gold. Yes, the everyman’s auriferous aversion to risk clawed its way back into the headlines last week after it took a 10% plunge in just four days. […]
Congress’ Trust Issues; Trump’s Kodak Moment; Micro on the Mic July 29, 2020 Great Stuff You Spin Me Round My head is spinning today, dear reader. There’s so much going on — so much you need to know — that it’s hard to keep up. After weeks of the same ol’, same ol’, 2020 dumped a veritable ton of information all in one day. And we’re not just talking the […]
All Bets Are On; Taiwan Inside; Hasbro’s Has-Been Hotel July 27, 2020 Great Stuff The Boys of Summer Nobody on the road. Nobody on the beach. We can feel it in the air. COVID-19 has put the summer out of reach. Or so we thought… The boys of summer aren’t gone. They’re just a little late to the pandemic party. Yes, dear reader, baseball is back … social distancing […]
Volatility Is Neat; Intel Out on the Street; AT&T Gets Beat July 24, 2020 Great Stuff Friday Four Play: The “Little Trouble in Big China” Edition You listen to the old Great Stuff Express here now. Take our advice on this dark and stormy market, when stocks are crashin’ and volatility is rollin’. Just remember what ol’ Mr. Great Stuff does when the Chinese and the U.S. close embassies, corporate earnings […]
Stocks’ Bubble Bobble; Straight Outta Oxford; Nikola Now July 20, 2020 Great Stuff Bubble, Bubble Toil and Trouble I had a rather disturbing revelation this weekend, dear reader … one I haven’t had since the 2008 financial crisis. On Saturday, I was minding my own business, playing video games online to wind down from the week. You know, social distancing and all that. Nothing out of the usual. […]