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Captain’s log: Star date 2021, if you think “space investing” is just Virgin Galactic, it’s time to walk among the real investing stars. Spacing out Big Time; Makin’ Morgan Money; Aphria Feels the Burn
by Joseph Hargett January 15, 2021 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Final Frontier” Edition Space: The final financial frontier. These are the voyages of the newsletter Great Stuff. Its lifetime mission: to explore strange new investments. To seek out cutting-edge stocks and massive new returns. To boldly profit where no investor has profited before! Captain’s log: Stardate 2021 … we’re talking about […]
Looking for the Great Stuff Picks Portfolio? I’ve got yer portfolio right here! Complete with four 200%+ winners … how’d ya like them apples? Plug Powered Profits, Nerves of Steel and a Blockchain Deal
by Joseph Hargett January 7, 2021 Great Stuff
Great Stuff’s House of Gain Plug it up, plug it in … let me begin. I came to win. Battle Great Stuff? That’s a sin. I won’t ever slack up, the market better back up. So, if you came to get down with Great Stuff Reader Feedback … it’s time to get out of your […]
Welcome to the New Post-Pandemic Economy (4-minute read) Cash may finally be dead. Cash-heavy industries are closed or limited, and digital purchasing is on the rise. Who will be the loser here?
We’re Getting Ready to Move on Our QCOM Trade (5-minute read) We’re coming up on the end of our Qualcomm trade. Before we get there, we want to cover one more thing that you need to know. It will help you make profits on this trade, and many trades to come...

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“At the end of August [2018], my 401K was $659,000. Now, on September 4th [2018], it’s $715,000. My account is up $56,000 in the last 5 days!”

- Warren O

“Looks like I have finally found the right person to learn and grow from.”

- James

“Thirteen of my positions are up well over 50% in less than a year since joining your service. Two are in the triple digits with several close behind. My personal money manager, who works for one of the largest banks in the country, is envious of my gains. I never dreamed this was possible. My trips to China to teach English to young Chinese students is now much more affordable. Thank you for your dedication and help.”

- Chris K.

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