Overvalued one minute. Oversold the next. The market this year feels like some crazy roller-coaster ride … keeping investors on their toes and giving them headaches.

The latest victim to hit oversold levels?

Renewable energy stocks.

But that’s good news.

As you’ll see in today’s video, the charts prove a turnaround is imminent. Of course, not all renewable energy stocks are created equal. So we’ll show you how to target longer-term gains and avoid the volatility.

You’ll see which overlooked corner of this sector is ripe for generating big profits … and the perfect exchange-traded fund (ETF) to play it.

Not Up or Down, but Midstream

If you’re thinking of investing in renewables, but you’re not interested in small caps or startups, we’ve found the perfect opportunities for you.

As Ted explains, your best bet is on midstream renewables right now.

Watch now to discover:

  • What “retracements” are and how they may frustrate investors if they thought they sold at the top.
  • How volatile the U.S. markets really are and what you can expect for future renewable investments.
  • Why this ETF recommendation is unique and provides longer-term gains than other sectors of the renewable energy industry.
  • And more.

Click here to watch this week’s video or click on the image below:

(Click here to view video.)

Good investing,

Angela Jirau
Publisher, The Bauman Letter