If you have recently found a charge on your credit card or bank statement from PSV* American Investor Alliance it’s because you have subscribed to one of Banyan Hill’s financial newsletters by the name of American Investor Alliance.
- American Investor Alliance is a premium newsletter service.
- If you’ve decided that you no longer want to be part of our auto-renew program, or even if you want to cancel your subscription altogether — though we’ll be sorry to see you go — know that you can do that before you’re charged by logging on to your self-service portal at Customer Self Service.
- If you find that you are not receiving your American Investor Alliance subscription materials or have a billing inquiry, please contact our customer service department using the contact information below:
- Call our Customer Service team toll-free at 1-866-584-4096 Monday-Friday between 8 am and 8 pm ET. International customers can contact us at 1-443-353-4446.
- To reach us by email, please use our Contact Us form found on our website here: Contact Us