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The Most Hated Asset Class The Most Hated Asset Class September 27, 2016 by Jeff Yastine Commodities Commodities have shown signs of life this year, but are still viewed as an underperforming asset class. And that perception is exactly why it’s worth looking at this sector right now.
One Indicator to Beat the Crash - VIX The Best, Most Conservative Measure for Volatility: VIX Fear Index September 23, 2016 by Chad Shoop Trading Strategies Many investors are looking for ways to avoid the dangers of a market crash similar to 2008. The best, and most conservative, way is to follow the VIX — aka the fear index.
Warning: Hidden Offshore Wealth Risks Warning: Hidden Offshore Wealth Risks September 19, 2016 by Ted Bauman Offshore Solutions Little island governments aren't going to go to war over your U.S. taxes or wealth. The question is … which governments would?
Killing Democracy: The Rise of Nation Inc. Killing Democracy: The Rise of Nation Inc. September 12, 2016 by Ted Bauman Global Economy Democracy, sovereignty and a global economy are mutually incompatible. This “political trilemma” has led nations to start acting as corporations, putting your financial stability at risk.
The Leading Edge of the Dollar Hurricane The Leading Edge of the Dollar Hurricane September 7, 2016 by Jeff Opdyke Currency U.S. exports are down nearly $64 billion so far this year, and yet the Fed is flirting with raising interest rates. Can you imagine the economic storm if the dollar gets any stronger?

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“Loving this. Should have started a long time ago.”

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- James

"You told me to ignore the noise on Wall Street. And thanks to you, I started towards the end of 2016 with $200,000 in my account and I recently put in an extra $100,000. [As of February 2019] My account is worth $500,788! I would’ve missed out if I followed conventional wisdom."

- Helen C.

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