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Latest Insights on HAS

Friday the 13th Could Turn Into a Horror Film for the Market April 12, 2018 by Rick Pendergraft Investment Opportunities With all of the volatility we have seen of late, and with this quarter expected to reflect the benefits of the tax cuts, I hope this Friday doesn’t turn into a horror film for the market.
This Biotech Billionaire Loves This Risky Stock April 11, 2018 by Brian Christopher Technology, Trending There is a chance you will lose money if you buy today’s stock. But if you’re willing to take on a little risk, I have an opportunity for you that could be very profitable.
The Oil Industry Launches a Huge Phase of Investment April 11, 2018 by Ian Dyer Oil When oil companies begin to spend on expansion, it’s a sign that they believe there are bright prospects in the oil industry for growth.
Veterans’ Scandal-Ridden Health Care Is Still a Disaster April 10, 2018 by Bob Bauman Government & Politics The Veteran Affairs crisis provides a cautionary example of what happens when nervous Washington politicians try to micromanage a medical system.
Why Mexico Needs U.S. Gasoline April 10, 2018 by Anthony Planas Government & Politics, Oil With talks of the U.S. losing in trade deals, there is a surprising victory with our southern neighbor. To understand why, we have to take a couple steps back...

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