Latest Insights on DIDI
Oil Be Seeing You, Car To The Max & Cummins Or Goin’s July 8, 2021 Great Stuff Burning The Midnight Oil The time has come, Great Ones. To say fair’s fair. To read emails. To answer and share. Reader Feedback time has come. A fact’s a fact. It belongs to you. Great Stuff’s gonna give it back! Your beds might not be burning, Great Ones, but our inbox is on fire. You […]
Overinflated Inflation, Newegg Cracked & Didi DOA? July 7, 2021 Great Stuff Overinflated Inflation Infatuation Have you noticed that it’s been a hot minute since we’ve talked about inflation, Great Ones? Anyone wanna take a guess as to why that is? Why did inflation — May’s hottest topic, the scourge of the U.S. economy, the bane of Wall Street and the bringer of eternal damnation — suddenly […]
Wall Street Flatlines, Didi Dives Deep & Pfizer’s Optics Test July 6, 2021 Great Stuff Flat Is Justice Great news, Great Ones! No, I didn’t just save a lot of money by switching my car insurance. I did, however, find proof that Wall Street is starting to snap back to reality. (Ope, there goes rabbit, he…) Even better? Unlike Eminem in 8 Mile, you probably won’t have to worry about […]
China Fires At Fintech, DOCU Drama & Ulta-mate Earnings March 12, 2021 Great Stuff Friday Four Play: The “Conform Or Be Cast Out” Edition Great Ones, I don’t usually rush to conclusions, but I have a distant early warning for anyone invested in Chinese stocks today. And for those holding stock in Chinese financial technology companies (fintechs), this week’s developments hit a bit closer to the heart. China is […]
Debt: It’s What’s for Breakfast; Pot Market Swan Dives January 2, 2020 Great Stuff A Stimulating Chinese New Year I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for some economic stimulus today! Debt is back on the menu, dear readers — did it ever really leave? — especially in China. The People’s Bank of China hopes to shake loose about $115 billion in the Chinese economy by easing up on its reserve […]