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Image for Russia Don't Overlook Russia October 19, 2016 by Jeff Opdyke Currency The consensus insists that an investment in Russia is ill-advised. But the country isn’t the scary beast we’re led to believe it is. It's simply a market misunderstood by much of the West.
Eulogy for Democracy A Eulogy for Democracy October 12, 2016 by Jeff Opdyke Government & Politics In better days, America's capitalist democracy was the envy of the world. Now, however, it's dead ... and American voters are the ones who killed it.
Robots Win, You Lose Robots Win, You Lose October 8, 2016 by Jocelynn Smith U.S. Economy The job market remains ugly. We’re not creating enough high-paying jobs to support the middle class, and we’re replacing low-paying jobs with robots. Where does that leave us?
Wall Street Is Destroying the Economic Recovery August 31, 2016 by Jeff Opdyke U.S. Economy Despite the Fed’s blather, America’s chemistry is off. An ingredient necessary for a vibrant economy is missing. One look at the data will show you exactly what’s missing and why.
The Global Economy: Drunk on Debt August 30, 2016 by Jeff Yastine Global Economy The European economy is supposed to be wracked by doubt and anxiety over Brexit, negative interest rates and terror attacks. So why are markets rising? Government spending, and lots of it.

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