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Why You Need a “Money Mind” in 2024 December 20, 2023 Banyan Edge, Investing, Trading Strategies New Year’s resolutions are a lot like investing: so many plans, yet so few follow through! Here's why you need a "money mind" in 2024.
The Time for EVs Hasn’t Come (But It Will) December 17, 2023 Banyan Edge, Electric Vehicles Check out the three gamechangers that will put EVs in the future spotlight. Also, two investment opportunities to capitalize on EVs.
Investing In the “Magnificent Seven” of Tech Companies December 15, 2023 Banyan Edge, Investing, Technology The "Magnificent Seven" of tech stocks have had an amazing run in 2023, thanks to AI. But are there hidden risks in investing in these stocks?
Google’s AI Gemini & Bitcoin: Trends the Market Can’t Ignore December 12, 2023 Artificial Intelligence, Banyan Edge, Cryptocurrency Google's AI Gemini is the hottest tech news this week. Bitcoin also captured headlines, its price surging by 60%! Here's why...
What’s the Future of Energy? December 11, 2023 Banyan Edge, Investment Opportunities, Oil, Renewable Energy What does the future of energy look like? The traditional “value” of oil and gas or the “growth” opportunity of renewable energy?