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Consumer prices set another abysmal record for the U.S. economy. There haven’t been this many bad records since disco. Deflation at the Disco; Atomic Datadog; Musk the Martyr
by Joseph Hargett May 12, 2020 Great Stuff
Wall Street Spins Records This year is all about spinning records. Now, I love to drop vinyl on the turntable as much as the next guy. OK, probably more. There’s just a warm, nostalgic sound with records that you don’t get in today’s sanitized, digital world. But the U.S. economy hasn’t exactly dropped the decade’s […]
As jobless claims continue to soar, Wall Street’s sliver lining is “at least they aren’t soaring more.” Jobs on the Line; Peloton’s Doing Fine
by Joseph Hargett May 7, 2020 Great Stuff
Wall Street’s Breaking Bad This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays. — Arthur Dent, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Indeed, it is Thursday, dear reader. And you know what that means … weekly unemployment claims and a market rally. (More optimistically, it’s also Reader Feedback day! Read on…) The […]
Trillions, unlimited stimulus, 20.2 million unemployed … unprecedented numbers, all. It’s no wonder Wall Street is vapor locked and rallying on bad news. Jobs Data Vapor Lock; Shopify Shocks; Gamers Game Amok
by Joseph Hargett May 6, 2020 Great Stuff
The Market Gods Are Crazy Any Great Stuff readers home-schooling kids right now? It’s quite the experience, let me tell you. New math? Pshaw … I’ve done things with fractions and limits in the past week that would turn you white. Yes, Mr. Great Stuff, we get it. Math is hard. But what about the […]
The Oracle of Omaha lost big in this crazy market. But Great Stuff has better opportunities that won’t buffet your portfolio. Omaha Oracle Blindsided; Tyson’s Chicken Gets Fried
by Joseph Hargett May 4, 2020 Great Stuff
May the 4th Be With You Wall Street faced rising U.S.-China trade tensions and plunging oil prices today … again. Seriously? Is it just me, or are the writers for this season of “Wall Street” quickly running out of ideas? But, the real story of the day wasn’t falling oil prices or trade wars — […]
President Trump puts U.S.-China tariffs back on the table. It’s trade war cycle deja vu all over again. Tariff Man Strikes Again; Clorox Cleans House
by Joseph Hargett May 1, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Return of Tariff Man” Edition Dateline: May 1, 2020 — “Tariff Man” strikes again! You thought he was gone, dear reader, but Tariff Man is mulling a return from retirement. We haven’t seen this much groaning since Rob Gronkowski’s appearance on The Masked Singer. According to The Washington Post, U.S. officials […]

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