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Cyberattacks hacking phishing ransomware CrowdStrike earnings meme small CrowdStruck, Ambarella Reigns & Canadian National Embarrassment
by Joseph Hargett September 1, 2021 Great Stuff
CrowdStrike Thunderstruck I was caught … in the middle of a cyberattack. (Thunder!) I looked ‘round … and I knew someone had my back. (Thunder!) You’ve been … CrowdStruck! Now that you’ve got that guitar riff stuck in your head, too, let’s take a gander at Great Stuff Picks holding: CrowdStrike (Nasdaq: ). (It actually […]
Biotech investors be like yeah science Cassava meme small Cassava’s Quality Quagmire, Warby’s Weeble Wobbles & Pitching An Urban Outfit
by Joseph Hargett August 25, 2021 Great Stuff
The Not-So-Perfect Drug? One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small. And the ones that Cassava Sciences (Nasdaq: ) gives you might not do anything at all… Or so a “statement of concern” from Jordan Thomas says. Thomas is a partner and chair of Labaton Sucharow, a whistleblower legal practice that specializes […]
Thelma Louise housing market off a cliff meme small Household Disorder, Stay On Target & The MedMen Machine
by Joseph Hargett August 18, 2021 Great Stuff
Disorder In The House There’s a flaw in the system … and the fly in the ointment’s gonna bring the whole thing down. — Warren Zevon Did you see the July housing starts report this morning, Great Ones? I’m not surprised if you didn’t. The financial media took one look at this report, blanched in […]
Super crypto bros. hodlers Coinbase COIN meme small Coinbased Gains, Fubo Not Fubar’d & Hard Mountain Dew DOA?
by Joseph Hargett August 11, 2021 Great Stuff
All Your Base Are Belong To… Now everybody, have you heard? If you’re in the game, then Coinbase’s (Nasdaq: ) the word. Don’t take no rhythm. Don’t take no style. Gotta thirst for crypto, grab your coin, uhn! A little Billy Squier never hurt anyone, right? Yeah, cryptocurrencies have been volatile this year, but what […]

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